Upcoming Concert at La Brique
9:00pm until 12:00am
La Brique, 6545 Durocher #402
de Toronto, Halifax, Montreal:
Rainer Wiens – Guitar and Thumb Piano
John Heward – Percussion
Arthur Bull – Guitar and Chromatic Harmonica
Bob Vespaziani – WAVEDRUM and Electronics
Guillaume Dostaller – piano
Olivier Prudhomme-Richard – guitare
Philippe Roy – contrebasse
Mathieu Frenette – saxophone alto et sopraninoWeins, Heward, Bull & Vespaziani is an electro-acoustic quartet uniting improvisors from Montreal, Halifax, and Toronto. These four players present some very original approaches to their instruments and a highly imaginative feel for improvisation.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyfMFjpblYE Paralune est une réunion momentanée au su et vu de la lune, une rencontre rapprochée entre des objets sonores improvisés. Un mouvement à quatre songes décelable par les lueurs de la lumière qu’il réfléchi.
At the outskirts of the moon, a brief intimate meeting between objects of sonic nature. A quartet of dreams defining a movement detectable by the unique glittering of the light it reflects.